work 1:1 with hilary to refine your message + resonate with your audience

2024 message refresh

You’ve built your 2024 business goals.  You’re actively planning and beginning to implement those plans for this new year.  You don't just want your plans to look good on paper - you want to harness your new clarity of focus for your brand to update your messaging.  If you're ready to breakthrough the noise and get directly to the ears, hearts and minds of your people - - - aka those amazing ideal clients who are meant to come your way - - - then, this 2024 Message Refresh is timed perfectly for you.

New offers?  Craft new messaging to articulate their immense value.

Want to update what you're known for? Redefine your content pillars.

Leverage your current communication mix best?  Clarify positioning & topics.


You already have a brand.  You’ve been in business long enough to have multiple clients.  A new year brings a new energy - from you, your business, and your audience - and now is the time to let go of messaging that no longer resonates and clarify the new messaging that will capture (and recapture) their attention.


Your foundational brand message and strategies won’t change - things like your mission, vision, core values, brand purpose will remain the same (unless you’re doing a full business pivot or you haven’t yet developed your brand strategy - which we can talk about and is another service of mine).

It’s your promotional messaging that requires your focus and refinement. Your message needs to change with changes in season, marketing strategies and audience needs.

This is a highly customized 90 minute message strategy session where we focus on your brand’s best forms of communication and how to refresh the messaging you use to align with your 2024 business goals.  We can:

  • Create new Taglines and Hooks for your Offers to capture attention and resonate more deeply.


  • Redefine your Content Pillars (what they are, what topics to cover, how to disseminate them best for your brand) to align with your updated business goals and focus areas.


  • Add and write a Brand Manifesto for another layer of connection with your audience to clearly articulate what your brand stands for and values.


  • Add or revamp your Newsletter!  We can name it, write a positioning statement for it and outline what’s included with the frequency you’d like to send it out to your audience.  I’ll even write your first 5 email subject titles for you based on your content strategy and upcoming focus areas.


  • Refresh the messaging for your [fill in the blank with: Podcast, YouTube Channel, Blog/Vlog] Let’s refine the overall positioning and forecast some subject/topic/episodes that captivate your audience and drive them towards your freebies and offers.

Let's put our heads together to revamp your message


 You get a 90 minute 1-on-1 messaging refresh session with Hilary, plus the Zoom recording for to reference at anytime.


An emailed summary recap of the messaging refinements we land on during our messaging refresh session.


One week of email access to Hilary once you receive your Messaging Refresh Summary for any Q&A





Hilary Hartling is a Brand & Messaging Strategist drawing from 15+ years experience leading visionary integrated marketing and synergy initiatives for him releases from global entertainment brands: Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Touchstone and Dreamworks.

After helping launch and grow multi-million and billion dollar franchises for The Walt Disney Company (Toy Story, Cars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Frozen and more) and experiencing industry success with 70 #1 opening weekend box office wins, Hilary has leveraged her Fortune 50 experience to establish a brand consultancy and online education platform helping entrepreneurs create captivating brands with messaging that resonates for the past 7 years.

Reach out if you have questions or would like to book a Brand Consult Call at: [email protected]

Gain the confidence and clarity to communicate clearly and captivate your audience.